A joint Vietnamese-French exhibition titled ‘Let’s reduce waste!’ will open next week at the French Cultural Center in Hanoi.
The installations displayed in the exhibition use waste or recycled products. They aim to provoke new perspectives on the way people harm the environment, producing and consuming goods that hurt the earth, for instance, with cancer-causing products. A lot of this process is unacknowledged, and the exhibition seeks to expose some of it.
The exhibition is part of a bigger project about the quality of urban living carried out by PRX-Vietnam, the cooperation office of the Hanoi People’s Committee and the Île-de-France region, with support from the French Development Agency (AFD).
In recent years, human generated waste has become an increasingly urgent issue affecting almost all cities in the world. In Hanoi, over 6,400 tons of waste are discharged everyday from human activities, exhibition organizers say.
The exhibition, with a special interactive space for children, seeks to highlight the urgency of reducing waste with big and small human efforts, involving government agencies, corporate entities and all citizens.
Apart from highlighting the problem, organizers said the exhibition will offer alternatives and options to create a healthier lifestyle.
Let’s reduce waste! will open at 4 p.m. on July 15 and close on August 31 at the French Cultural Center (L’Espace) in Hanoi. Admission is free.